It’s no secret one of the keys to a healthy diet is to include a wide variety of fruits and vegetables—they provide important vitamins, minerals, plant chemicals and fibre. Phytonutrients and antioxidants can help protect you against cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. It’s true what they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
But did you know that same apple may also contain some of the most commonly detected pesticides and fungicides that may pose significant health risks to you and your family, particularly children?
On the charts below, I’ve listed the Dirty Dozen (produce that should always be organic) and the Clean 15. How many of these surprised you?

The Nitty Gritty
*209 pesticides were found on the Dirty Dozen list.
*95% had detected pesticides
*all produce had at least 13-23 pesticides
*neurotoxic organophosphate insecticide acephate, which was banned in 2011 from use on green beans was still detected on 6% of crop samples.
*Studies of the fungicide fludioxonil can be an endocrine disrupters. Increasing the proliferation of breast cancer cells. It also can be harmful to the male reproductive system. Fludioxonil is found in 90% of peaches and 30% of the dirty dozen list.
*pyre ethanol has been linked to thyroid disruption and is a hormone disruptor.
So what can you do to mitigate any potential concerns?
Always Wash Produce Well
Studies have shown that washing produce in baking soda solution can reduce pesticide residues by 67-99% compared to washing with water alone which reduces the pesticides by 27-63%.
To make the washing solution, mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda for every 2 cups of cold water and allow the produce to soak 12-15min. Rinse well before drying and storing.
Questions about your produce? Feel to reach out at